Alright folks i don't really have to work for the next hour and a half so i will just go off momentarily.
To start with i just got out of a final that for the first time in my life it took the whole 3 hours to finish it. Jesus, is all i have to say. It was hard, i was uncertain on 4 of them (40 points out of 100) and well i think i just sucked this up. Honestly i need to understand why i always do so bad in comprehensive finals. I mean my brain freezes up until i remember that this problem was from about X time in the class. I think that i honestly don't like it... i don't like it at all.
As for finals in general that was my last one for this semester. Grades will be posted in 2 weeks here on the internet so i'll let you know then. As for my grades here is what i think they are..... Stat's- B History-C Writing-B Ceramics-B.... all in all probably the poorest semester i've had since i've gone to school here. Yeah i wasn't too focused this semester, because i always had better things to do than study. i guess that i just hold myself to a higher standard than most. Originally my goal for the beginning of the semester was to get a 4.0... yeah that would happen (hencing sarcasm) and now it looks like it will be down in the 2 range. Where have i gone wrong?
No one to other things... It seems as though yesterday i was extremely stressed out. i spent most of the day in my room sleeping or trying to sleep. i think i had the worst sleep i have ever had last night. Why, you might be asking, maybe it was just nerves or maybe it was something else... i don't know. But if i have problems sleeping again tonight i might kill someone. i need a goodnights rest!!!
Ryan's apartment is looking good. We have to go to the DI and get some banana chairs and maybe a small table. There is no where to sit there. i'm not joking, the only place is the bed or the floor. And we all know what happens when we 'sit' on the bed. So the dog piss carpet is where we sit.
It's extremely cold outside... yes i know i'm talking about the weather, but is is note worthy. Just walking around campus i think i got frost bit on my fingers. Yesterday it didn't get above freezing and it doesn't look like today is going to either... sometimes i hate it here in Salt Lake... it's just extremely cold in the winter and extremely hot in the summer.... DAMN THE MAN
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