meow meow meow

really things are funny

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

Song: Thanks That Was Fun Band: Barenaked Ladies Album: Disc One
(you will get the whole song later in the day... it reminds me of someone and well i like it)

Answer to the questions...
Why destroy your present happiness by a distant misery, which may never come at all? For every substantial grief had twenty shadows and most of the shadows are of you own making.
-Sydney Smith

Yesterday was a genuinely good day. *1* I went to class last night until 9:00 which made me sleepy and the drive home was worse *2* But i did wish i had a camera i will have to go back to this. There is this spot on the way to Bountiful that is just right after the city... it's the Industrial Zone but i look just wonderful at night time... i think i need to take the digital camera and start posting. Also yesterday Ryan told me that i made his day better because i was in a good mood *3*. Talked to James without hanging up the phone mad. (which is a good thing it mean we are becoming closer without being closer does this make sense?) Right after my long phone expedition for about an hour i got in the shower... checked my email *4*... and at about 11:15 was in bed and almost asleep. It was wonderful :)

Lead by today that has just started out poorly. I car pooled with my brother Pat on the way to school, which is never a good thing because he's my brother... we fight often. Then i come into work and the first call i answer is a angry man from New York that i just bitching about his order... the bastard. i hope the day progresses into a better day (teehee)

*1*whoo hoo one finally came.. just one though, but i have to take what i can get. For i think that i have just had one of the worst weeks of my life.. oh well that's what depression does to people
*2*I-15 seems to do that to me, it's so big and repetitive that i think i might go crazy at night time. The road seems like a super-freeway and well sometimes i just think it goes on forever. UGH! (for all those that live in Salt Lake and know that the 'new I-15' is an addition to a usually slow moving town, you understand the hazards of putting 'super-freeways' into the city)
*3* how exciting. It's strange to think that you can effect other people... my day also gets effected by others... Nick is a prime example i laugh more talking to him than i have ever in a long time. He slowly is making my attitude change... ahh
*4* i got an email from Chris [B] about the BNL review he had somethings to say about that... but the reason for bringing him up... i asked this question yesterday 'is it wrong to still admit that you love your ex boyfriend?' answer me that.


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