meow meow meow

really things are funny

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Song: Enid Band: Barenakeladies Album: Disc one (this is the one i'm listening off of)

Now why we never really respected each other and tell me why i never believed that you were a person too... Now it's not fair to say that it's because i was three inches shorten and it's not fair to say that it's 'cause i was only 15 years old but maybe it's fair to say there was a lack of communication, i took a phone message, oh wow speaking of communication oh Enid

Answer to the questions...
Don't try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go.
-Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Dying for Enlightenment

So I got to bed really early last night it was all sort of crazy.. i liked it. I woke up this morning still wanting to stay in bed... but i got up and got going. Went to class which wasn't REALLY class just a meeting with my group, okay reasoning behind this story... after James decided that he needed to talk to me... he just said we was concerned about me (which he has rights to be) He said that i make him feel bad... for him not having time for me... i make HIM feel bad, i don't think he understands where i'm really coming from. Bastards... everyone!!!


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