meow meow meow

really things are funny

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Yesterday i got more frustrated than i have ever been and then was calmed down by a man who knows more about computers than i can imagine. He's a smart guy, and well he's pretty much smarter in a whole hell of a lot of subjects. I honestly have never just dated anyone who is all around smarter than i was. Yeah, don't get me wrong, everyone that i have had a steady relationship with in the past has been very smart in their strong subject, but to have one well rounded person... That's just wants to be dating, always a plus. i find it hard to understand him sometimes, but this i guess is what is supposed to happen.
Anyways i'm up here at the Union Building drinking my coffee and awaiting turning in a paper. I for some reason am very sleepy (maybe the fact that i didn't get home until 2 would have something to do with it) but the next two days are going to be spent writing paper after paper... and well this is what i pay money for.
No matter how much i bitch and complain about school, i love i here. For anyone that is just thinking about going back to school i would give it great thought. Because i love it up here.


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