meow meow meow

really things are funny

Thursday, August 30, 2001

Listen to this bull shit fucking.. fuck, fuck (now to those not in the know might take this personally, but those who know my speech this is normal on headache days)
Well the day has started a little differently than planned. I was going to get up late today, late being like 8:00 to eventually be in class around 9ish. Anyways instead my alarm goes off at 6:11 this morning and well no go back to sleepy for Stephanie. So i get up, and head to school. blah blah blah, in class.... blah blah blah... quick skip to mid day, when i realize that not only am i just tired but the fact that because of all of this checking account trash i now have bad credit that will follow me until i change accounts. I call the chexsystems to tell them my story... one thing leads to another and they are 'getting back to me' (in that little bitch ass voice) So about an hour goes by of me realizing that i can't write checks, get cash, or pretty much do anything!!! So i go to the credit union and close the old account and open a new one. That wasn't that bad, it was the fact that i had to leave work early to do so. Meanwhile, my family is getting down my back for some trash about some guy that isn't even in Salt Lake and to be honest i really don't want to hear it, for you know what i just want to say to them.... (well lets not get into that today because... well we just shouldn't)
Anyways now i'm headed to mom's to go to Outback Stake House. If anyone ever wants to treat me to a nice meal.... this is the place for me :)
Sorry for the bitching i'll probably get rid of it later


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