meow meow meow

really things are funny

Thursday, August 30, 2001

I went to the cemetery yesterday, and it made me sad. the Menlove's have not gotten a head stone up yet, what the fuck is that all about? I had a dream about him last night. For some reason me and Katie were walking down N Street and 3rd Ave. Well there's a conoco there on the North East side of the street. As i was saying Katie and i were just walking and Jed is there filling up peoples gas tanks. I ask him how have things been and he said fine, then just did that chuckle of his (for those that knew Jed you would know the chuckle)..... (the conversation goes on) He says 'so were are you at now' my reply 'oh i'm just up on J Street... not to far from here' Jed 'i'm going to stop by' I 'Okay'
The reason why i share this Jed story is because... well for some reason i had thought that i had forgotten everything about him, and i think this was just a reminder that i hadn't. This subject is still really touchy for me, but hey i'm learning to deal with it. Maybe not in the best ways but learning nonetheless.
I have Sweetness stuck in my head.... it's been there for two days (just thought i'd share)
Anyways on to the funnest (yes i just used the word funnest... soon i will use the word funner) of last night...
So i go home and realize how early in the day it still was, i grab some alcy out of the fridge and start just chugging (i really didn't want to have anything to do with some shit from yesterday). I hop in the shower hoping this will make everything so away and it helped, it really did. Then Karen gets home and well she has some PMS like crazy, but i, being the friend that i am, ask her to come and join in my drinking. Well we start going, and for some reason start playing Speed on the dirty floor. Then in mid-speed, Karen snarled at me, it was one of the funner things of the last week.... just image the noise of some beast snarling at you with out cause. Then i thought 'well i should get some reading done' So i go in my room and start reading for class this morning. Then some how i wake up this morning and not known what time i turned off the lamps, or were i had put my book.... it kind of struck me off guard.


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