meow meow meow

really things are funny

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Fuck have i got a story.... it goes something like this
Well about 2 weeks ago i get my purse stolen i think 'no big deal all will be ok' Well it is not. Come to find out i need to get a new drivers license, in order to do that i had to have a social security card (which i lost) and a birth something or other. Anyways it takes me about 3 days to prove who i was at the social security office. So that's two days of not getting paid right there. Then to the DMV to wait in line for all of 10 minutes... but still it's the DMV who likes it there... no one. So i stop payment on the checkbook, do all that fun stuff. About Thursday of last week i get a letter in the mail that states that i have not paid my balance of $203.54 on check number 0330. I say well that's one of the checks i have voided to stop this from happening. Well you have to go into your local branch and fill out an form.... So i go there, and about 2 hours later i get helped.... Eventually it's just me signing my name about 10 times (just to make sure it's me) So i think that i'm all free and clear.... You'll never guess what happened.. I'm buying gas, at a local gas station and they say oh your check is declined because you owe X amount of dollars to such and such... I had just left Parker's birthday party, i end up leaving my back pack there, with about $200 worth in books alone, and going back to the party having to resort to asking my mother for money and heading back there.... how retarded. I hate people.....
I've just decided i need a distraction....
The alcohol is calling my name.


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